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Wholestone Diamonds - Our Wholestone Rough Industrial diamonds are mined diamonds in their natural state, before any processing or polishing has occurred. The vast majority of diamonds found on our planet were formed much deeper in the earth’s interior than most other minerals, at depths of over 140km and temperatures of 900 to 1400°C in the upper mantle.

These Diamonds crystallise in the cubic system and its crystalline shapes are thus numerous, the principal ones are Octahedron, Dodecahedron and Rhombododecahedron. Wholestone diamonds are the product of choice for demanding rotary dresser applications, surface set drill bits and casing shoes. Our wide range allows the toolmaker to select the right product for the right tool.

Sizes & Qualities 

Our Wholestone WD series is available in drilling sizes: 1 carat, 3/4 ct, 1/2 ct, 1/3 ct, 1/2 ct, 5-6 spc, 6-8 spc, 8-10 spc, and all sizes through to 500 spc. mesh sizes also available from 16/18 to 60/80 mesh.
The WD series is available in 3 qualities: WD-AAA, WD-AA and WD-A.

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Rotary Diamonds - Rotary Diamond Dressers are recognised as being the most efficient and economic means of dressing grinding wheels to the correct form, tolerance and condition, for exceptional accuracy. They are used in the automotive, aerospace and precision engineering industries. Whether for handset or reverse plated rolls, the correct choice of natural diamond is the key to success. EID rotary range offers that comprehensive range.

Sizes & Qualities

Our Rotary RD series is available in drilling sizes: 1 carat, 3/4 ct, 1/2 ct, 1/3 ct, 1/2 ct, 5-6 spc, 6-8 spc, 8-10 spc, and all sizes through to 500 spc. mesh sizes also available from 16/18 to 60/80 mesh.​

  • Our RD series is available in a range of qualities; RD90 is the top of our range, but do note that we offer RD85 and all other shape factors as per client requirements

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